About the Book
After reading the book, one is left with a haunting feeling of something that cannot be revived but lived only through the traces that it leaves in the mind. The poet dives deep into the labyrinths of time to fish out moments that are close to her.
Details that would otherwise be overlooked take on a life of their own and narrate their stories for those who are willing to listen. Medha Singh’s poems demand the reader to not be a mute spectator but feel these snippets of memories as much as they yearn to share. Powerful imagery and the attempt to capture them through words has been done beautifully. – Semeen Ali
For Medha Singh, the poem is often a subterfuge for story; the desire to be a poet is a circularity of purpose; and poetry itself is the beginning and end of trust. Prickling in all directions, uneven, at times unsteady, she chases “itinerant darkness”, achieves rare moments of equanimity, even grace. Mundane reality is a fitting anti-climax, closure an escape.