Abhidha Nantar
Diwali Issue 2024DOWNLOAD NOW -
Words are the only
jewels I possess
Words are the only
Clothes I wear
Words are the only Food
That sustains my life
Words are the only Wealth
I distribute among people
Says Tuka
Witness the word
He is God
I worship him
With Words
-TukaramBUY NOW -
For decades you only caught glimpses of Gopal Honnalgere.
Before you could properly see him, he’d disappear. And then,
in 2003, he died, unsung but still singing. The Collected Poems
is a great act of recovery, similar to that of Srinivas Rayaprol,
performed by those who knew and loved both Honnalgere and
his work. It extends the small brambly path called Indian poetry
in English, throuch which now passes “The National Highway”
and where, on a wall, the medium being the message, “a boy/
pisses / writing / 8 / with his urine”. The ground has been
permanently, visibly, marked.
- Arvind Krishna MehrotraBUY NOW -
In the darkened room
A woman
Cannot find her reflection in the mirror
waiting as usual
At the edge of sleep
In her hands she holds
the oil lamp
whose drunken yellow flames
know where her lovely body hides
(Excerpt from A Missing Person)BUY NOW
This is our imprint for fiction and non-fiction. So far we have published English translations of literary prose – Dilip Chitre’s The Bombay Quartet, translated from the original Marathi by Jayant Deshpande; and Jibanananda Das’s Three Stories, translated from the original Bangla by Chandak Chatterjee.
This is our platform for encouraging new poets. Perhaps only another poet can empathise with the long hard struggle to get one’s first book out. PoetryPrimero makes room for new voices that need to be heard.
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Priya Sarukkai Chabria
Priya Sarukkai Chabria is an award winning translator, writer, and poet nominated for the 2017 Pushcart Prize. Her books include speculative fiction, cross-genre non-fiction, a novel, two poetry collections, and translations of Tamil mystic Andal: The Autobiography of a Goddess (2016; in collaboration with Ravi Shankar). Awarded for Outstanding Contribution to Literature by the Indian Government, her work has been widely translated and anthologized, including in Another English: Anglophone Poems from Around the World (2014), The HarperCollins Book of English Poetry (2012), Eating God: A Book of Bhakti Poetry (2014), Drunken Boat, The Literary Review (USA), South Asian Review, PEN International, and The British Journal of Literary Translation.
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