Gabriel Rosenstock

Gabriel Rosenstock
Born 1949, Kilfinane, Co. Limerick, in neo-colonial Ireland. Poet, playwright, haikuist, essayist, author/translator of over 180 books, mostly in Irish (Gaelic). Taught haiku at the Schule fur Dichtung (Poetry Academy), Vienna, and Hyderabad Literary Festival. Prolific translator into Irish of international poetry,including poets from India, plays (Beckett, Frisch, Yeats), songs (Bob Dylan, Kate Bush, Leonard Cohen, Bob Marley, as well as Lieder and Blues), he also writes for children, in prose and verse. Represented in Best European Fiction 2012 (Dalkey Archive Press) and Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years (W. W. Norton & Co. 2013). Books Ireland, Summer 2012, says of his novel My Head is Missing: ‘This is a departure for Rosenstock but he is surefooted as he takes on the comic genre and writes a story full of engaging characters and a plot that keeps the reader turning the page.’ Where Light Begins is a selection of haiku. Other English-language titles include The Partisan and other stories (Evertype), Haiku Enlightenment (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), The Naked Octopus, erotic haiku (Evertype), Uttering Her Name, bhakti-inspired poetry (Salmon), The Pleasantries of Krishnamurphy (Non-Duality Press), Haiku, the Gentle Art of Disappearing (Cambridge Scholars Publishing)