Zingonia Zingone

Zingonia Zingone
Zingonia Zingone (1971) is a graduate in Economics, a poet, a novelist and a translator who writes in Spanish, Italian, French and English. Her poetry books are published in Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Italy, France and India. Her most recent titles are: Los naufragios del desierto (Vaso Roto, 2013) and las tentaciones de la Luz (anamá, 2018). In English, she has two books published in India: Acrobat of Oblivion (Poetrywala, 2011) and Light, the Temptation (Poetrywala, 2016). Her translation works include Virus Alert by Marathi poet Hemant Divate (Alarma de Virus – Ediciones Espiral, 2012), award-winning Voces / Voci by Nicaraguan poet Claribel Alegría (Samuele Editore, 2016), and, by the same author, Amore senza fine (Edizioni Fili d’Aquilone, 2018).
She is editor of a monthly Poetry Review at MINERVA magazine.
Published Poetry Books:
Máscara del delirio (Perro Azul, 2006; Lietocolle, 2008)
Cosmo-agonía (Perro Azul, 2007)
Tana Katana (Perro Azul, 2009)
Equilibrista del olvido (Raffaelli Editore, 2011; Editorial Germinal, 2012; Poetrywala, 2011; Aharnishi Prakashana, 2012)
Los Naufragios del Desierto (Vaso Roto Ediciones, 2013; Edizioni della Meridiana, 2015)
Petit Cahier du Grand Mirage (Éditions de la Margeride, 2016)
Light, the Temptation (Poetrywala, 2016)
le tentazioni della Luce (Edizioni della Meridiana, 2017)
las tentaciones de la Luz (anamá Ediciones, 2018)